
Principal Occupational Therapist

Angela - Principal Occupational Therapist at Enfield Council

Enfield Council recognises the value of occupational therapy and what it brings to our residents. We have occupational therapists across 8 teams, as a strategic service manager my role is positioned in the Safeguarding and Quality team.

I feel privileged to work with passionate, dedicated colleagues who strive for excellent quality service delivery, which supports the community to reach their maximum potential using a strengths based approached.

My role as Principal Occupational Therapist focuses on promoting best practice, raising the profile of occupational therapy and the development needs of the workforce. I have direct contact with frontline practitioners, as well as the Director of Health and Adult Social Care, which places me in an influential position to be the voice for Occupational Therapy.

We are striving for co-production, which is the true coming together as equal partners between the organisation and residents to shape services. This is built on the principle that those who use a service are best placed to help design it. I am currently forming a working group which will develop the framework, based on service users’ experience. This will transform our Adult Social Care Services to be more inclusive, responsive, empathetic, and empowering.

Being open, honest and respectful are the principles of our work. Being open is ensuring that you actively listen to residents or colleagues and that you communicate clearly and directly. Following through on your commitments and ensuring you deliver on that, showing you are reliable and keep everyone updated. Being respectful is about working together, listening to others’ opinions and speaking to others how you expect them to speak back to you.

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