
National Management Trainee

IbitiI joined the Council in September 2022 on a graduate programme. I wanted to work in local government to help improve the everyday life for people in their communities. When speaking to representatives from Enfield at a recruitment day what attracted me to apply was the diversity of the borough and unique challenges facing Enfield.

My first placement was in Adult Social Care, working on the Smart Living Project. This project is rolling out artificial intelligence facial recognition software to detect pain in care home residents who can’t verbalise their pain.

I am also an Assistive Technology Champion and attend a board with 80 other champions, including occupational therapists and social workers. Board members work together to identify new assistive technology to improve service delivery. This approach helps ensure we harness the benefits of this technology to improve quality of life and assist safe, independent living for our adult social care service users and carers.

This is my first job outside of education and I’ve been challenged in a positive way. I am developing new skills which builds upon my degree. For example, adapting my writing skills from producing essays to writing a business case. I am also undertaking an Institute of Leadership and Management Level 7, which supports my professional development and ensures I have a strong understanding of key local government areas of work and management.