Policy and Performance Manager

Lucy - Policy and Performance Manager at Enfield CouncilEnfield’s clear sense of purpose and its vision for a fairer, and more inclusive borough is what attracted me to work here.

I joined Enfield as a graduate in 2019 and throughout my time here, they have invested in my development and career progression. As a graduate I did placements in Education, Public Health, and Economic Development before joining the Corporate Strategy Service. This pushed me to develop new skills and gave me a good understanding of how different services deliver on our ambition to create a lifetime of opportunities for everyone in Enfield.

As a Policy and Performance Manager, I lead development of and track progress against evidenced-based policy and strategy. It’s our job to support teams across the Council to deliver Enfield’s Council Plan priorities, sharing success stories across the Council and with our partner and help create a close relationship between us and residents.

For example, I have led over the past 3 years on the development and implementation of Fairer Enfield, our equality, diversity and inclusion policy. To develop this policy, I analysed local data on experiences of different groups in our communities and national research on inequality; learnt from successful approaches used by other councils; and considered the views and experiences of over 200 staff, voluntary and community sector groups and partners. Since the policy was approved by Full Council in 2020, I have worked with colleagues and senior managers across the Council to develop an annual action plan to ensure we are delivering on our objectives and commitments.