Are you a SENCO?

Support for Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) working in Enfield pre-schools, day care nurseries and children’s centres.

Here SENCOs can access updates on SEN information, and timetables of drop in sessions available to parents and children.

Our early years (EY) area SENCO’s and SEN teaching and learning advisor are available to support and advise schools and settings in their endeavours to include children birth to 5 years old with additional needs in all aspects of their development and learning.

EY SEND Team 0 to 5 years:

Contact: Jackie Steele for PVI, Schools and Childminders on mobile: 07951 791140 or email:

Childminders SEND Support Flow Chart 2024 (PDF, 97.27 KB)

Providers SEND Support Flow Chart 2024 (PDF, 88.22 KB)


The EY SEND Team have worked with LA partners to develop a transition document for Early Years to school Reception. The pack supports Early Years settings and schools to prepare children for starting school reception. Please use it to see ideas for collaboration between schools, settings and families. There is also a helpful transition booklet that can help prepare children for this exciting step.

Transition to School document (PDF, 1999.03 KB)

Networking for SEND

Enfield SENCO Forums are held termly. They offer an opportunity to learn more about new developments in Early Years Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, hear from professionals working with children in early years’ settings, and receive information about Enfield training and new initiatives aimed at supporting practitioners working with 0 to 5 age group.

You can learn more about SEND and direct parents to the information about Special Educational Needs and Disability Services by looking at Enfield’s Local Offer.

SEND and additional needs in your setting

The majority of children with SEND or early delay in development and learning will be supported by providers from their own resources as detailed in the SEND Code of Practice and Children and families Act 2014.

Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years

Early Years Settings are advised that the Code of Practice effective from September 2014 provides statutory guidance on duties, policies and procedures relating to part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014. It relates to children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and disabled children and young people.

The Code is statutory guidance for a number of organisations including Early Years Providers, that is all providers in the maintained, private, voluntary and independent sectors that a local authority funds. You will find it helpful to download the Code of Practice at GOV.UK.

It is a lengthy document, but essential reading for SENCOs and Managers, particularly Chapter 5, which explains the action that Early Years Settings should take to meet their duties in relation to identifying and supporting all children with SEN whether or not they have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan. (Education, Health and Care plans have replaced Statements).

We recognise the continued commitment of our settings and SENCOs working in partnership with parents .

Certificate for SENCOs in early years (PVI) (CERTSEY)

Nationally recognised on-line SENCO training. An opportunity to gain a qualification at level 3.

For more information, view Level 3 certificate for SENCOs in early years (PDF, 934.33 KB).

Education, Health and Care Plan documents

Please find link below for documents that are part of the process of applying for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) statutory assessment, for children with exceptional needs.

Or go direct to the Local Offer for SEND - EHCPs to download application forms for professionals.

Remember you can only use the Enfield form for children with an Enfield address.

All professionals involved with the child including the setting and parent will be asked for advice by SEN services.

Parents can be supported by SENDIASS (PDF, 206.7 KB) the independent advisory service for parents. Contact details on the Enfield Local Offer:

The request can come from either the setting or the parent, all about me must be sent with the application form.

Annual reviews must be conducted each year. Please use the forms below:

Settings can obtain the latest copy of the child’s EHC plan by contacting and requesting it for the annual review.

For advice on how to complete the forms, please contact SEN Team. Contact details for the Educational, Health and Care Plan:

Educational Psychology Service

Enfield Early Years Educational Psychology team will continue to be involved at the request of the Local Authority for children who are subject to an Educational Health and Care needs assessment.

Enfield Advisory Service for Autism

EASA logo

The Enfield Advisory Service for Autism (EASA) is affiliated to Russet House School, a specialist autism school in Enfield, and is funded by Enfield Council. EASA exists to support all autistic children and young people (0 to 25 years) in the borough of Enfield by providing the following:

EASA’s work is aligned with other Enfield SEND and Wellbeing initiatives:

EASA’s support is not dependent upon a child or young person having a formal diagnosis of autism. Parents, Educational Setting Staff and young autistic people 18+ can self-refer.

Autism Education Trust

We also welcome the exciting opportunity for practitioners to attend training from the Autism Education Trust (AET). Many Enfield practitioners have attended the Tier 1 Autism awareness training sessions. We continue to promote the 3 levels of training from the AET.

For more in depth knowledge and understanding of autism the AET is providing a Tier 2 training and Tier 3 training for managers of larger group settings. Please note there is a charge for attending this training.

Supplying Enfield with accurate data information

Please continue to help us support you by providing information on your annual census return.

SEN support (K) should include children who have any of the following:

The SEND codes:

Please be aware that a child may have a diagnosis and specialist provision but not have an Education Health and Care Plan funded by the LA. Always check with the parent and professionals involved before recording EHCP on the data return.

Transition to school

Encourage parents to visit schools in the Autumn term before completing the application form.

Children transferring to school reception /school nursery will receive confirmation of their school place in April and May.

It is especially important for children with additional needs and special needs /disabilities that we facilitate a successful transition.

Starting school is a big change and the more information you can share with schools the more successful the process for the child and family. You will need parent permission to contact the school. Visits from school SENCOs or early years’ practitioners should be encouraged. A one page profile of the child can be helpful in giving a picture of the child’s strengths, interests and needs.

Schools will also appreciate contact details for professionals involved. Do encourage parents to visit the new school and establish contact with the SENCO.

ASD information on choosing a school, attending a dentist and provision and services in Enfield