Setting up childcare
Setting up a group setting
See information on setting up a group setting (day nursery or pre school).
Becoming a childminder
See information if you are interested in becoming a childminder.
Becoming a nanny
Nannies, also known as 'home childcarers', look after children of any age in the child's home.
Nannies do not have to register with Ofsted. However, they can choose to register voluntarily. This means that parents may be able to get help with childcare costs.
See information on becoming a nanny and running your business and the Ofsted registration process.
Nannies registered with Ofsted must follow these requirements.
Joining the Childcare Register and running a business
Find out how you can still register for childcare with Ofsted if you do not meet the requirements of being a childminder, nanny, nursery or other daycare .
Career progression
If you are looking to progress in your early years career, please see Department for Education's Early Years Career Progression Map (PDF, 635.47 KB).
Job vacancy bulletin
If you are looking for a job in Childcare, please visit our Job vacancy bulletin.
Childcare sufficiency within Enfield
If you would like to find out more about childcare sufficiency within Enfield, please see the Enfield Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2022 to 2023 (PDF, 1208.95 KB). This is a study that Enfield Council regularly carries out in relation to the supply and demand for childcare.
Becoming a childminder
Thinking about becoming a childminder in Enfield?
A registered childminder is a person who looks after at least one child under the age of eight, to whom they are not related to, for more than two hours a day for a reward. This could be from domestic or non-domestic premises.
You need a sufficient understanding and use of English, and must be over the age of 18 years old.
We offer pre-registration support:
- online pre-registration training sessions
- EYFS documentation and sample templates
- 1:1 support from an experienced Early Years Advisor
Once registered we offer:
- vacancy advertising on our Family Information Directory
- access to childcare funding entitlement if registered on the Early Years register
- childcare funding entitlement marketing materials
- further training / childminding forums which can be accessed through the early years training programme
- continuing support and advice from an experienced Early Years Advisor
Where to start ?
Online training sessions:
Become a childminder: pre-registration briefing
- Cost :£9:99
- Date: Wednesday 14 May 2025
- Time: 9:30am to 11am
This is an introduction about becoming an Ofsted registered childminder. This session will provide you with relevant information so that you can make an informed decision as to whether you wish to proceed with the process and complete our three childminding training sessions.
If you would like to book on the above pre-registration briefing session, please email with the following information:
- Full name
- Address including post code
- Contact telephone numbers
- Email address
Once we have received your request, we will send you instructions on how to access our training website. You will receive further details a few days before the pre-registration briefing session.
Online childminding training
- Cost: £39.99
- Dates: Monday 17 March, Tuesday 18 March and Wednesday 19 March 2025
- Time: 9:30am to 11:45am
Once you have completed our pre-registration briefing session and you decide you would like to register as a childminder. You can log into the training website and book onto the childminding training course.
The training course will provide you with information on:
- Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (with reference to the Childcare Register requirements)
- Ofsted registration process
- Business aspects of childminding
Please note that candidates are required to complete all 3 sessions in order to receive a certificate.
Further pre-registration support will be offered if you live in the London Borough of Enfield via telephone, email and face to face. Documentation and templates will be emailed.
Cancellation policy
All cancellations must be done at least 48 hours prior to the course start date via the training website. We operate a strictly no refund policy once payment has been received and a space confirmed. However, you will be offered the chance to book on to the next available course, this can be done up to two times.
Running a childminding business from your home
If you are living in rented accommodation you must check with your landlord if you can run a childminding business from their property (seek permission in writing).
If you have a mortgage on the property you will normally need to inform the mortgage provider. Advisable to check the deeds on the property to ensure that there are no restrictions which would prevent you from running a business from your home.
Planning requirements
Domestic premises
You do not necessarily need planning permission to work from a domestic premises. If no material change of use occurs, then permission is not required. It is possible however to create a material change of use while not changing the primary use of the dwelling. If the answer to any of the following questions is 'yes', then permission will probably be needed:
- Will the domestic premises no longer be used mainly as a private residence?
- Will your business result in a marked rise in traffic or people calling?
- Will your business involve any activities unusual in a residential area?
- Will your business disturb your neighbours at unreasonable hours or create other forms of nuisance such as noise?
If you are in doubt you may apply to your council for a Certificate of Lawful Use for the proposed activity, to confirm it is not a change of use and still the lawful use.
Alternatively, if there is a material change of use then you can apply for planning permission to change the use of the property.
If you intend to work with assistants and/or other registered childminders, you must contact the Planning Department to see if planning permission is required or not.
If unsure, then it is advised you contact your Local Planning Authority for more help. They can be contacted at
The following details must be provided:
- property details including full address / telephone;
- number of children you will be caring for;
- staff numbers;
- hours operating for;
- external play area (if so, provide the scale and times of use);
- areas of the premises to be used.
Non-domestic premises
You must check with your local planning department whether you need planning permission to operate at a non-domestic premises. They can be contacted at
Setting up a day nursery or preschool
First steps
See information if you're thinking about setting up a day nursery or pre-school (Childcare on non domestic premises):
- Starting a nursery or other daycare and running the business
- Apply to register your nursery or other daycare organisation (EYO)
- Disclosure and Barring service (DBS) check: childcare providers
- Health Declaration Form
- Childcare: application review
- Expanding a registered setting into new premises
You need to do your market research carefully before selecting premises. You'll need to know that there is demand for the services you want to offer in your chosen area. You can see what other nurseries and pre-schools there are in Enfield by searching on our Family Information Directory.
View Enfield Council's Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (PDF, 1208.95 KB).
You also need to think about the right kind of premises to use. You'll need to think about the age range and number of children you want to look after and whether your proposed premises can cater for all their needs.
Enfield proposed provider pack
Our Childcare Team are able to support you through the process of setting up a group setting, and you can buy into this service by obtaining the Enfield proposed provider pack at a cost of £195.
Providers package includes:
- Pre-registration visits - arranged with our Childcare Advisors
- Nursery Start up checklist
- The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage
- Early Years Inspection Handbook
- Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage
- Birth to 5
- Progress check at age 2
- What to do if you're worried a child is being abused - Advice for practitioners
- Child Protection Poster
- The Prevent Duty - Departmental advice for schools and childcare providers - link to be provided
- Nursery Funding Entitlement Information - link to be provided
If you would like to purchase this pack, please email with your full name, contact details and explain you are looking to purchase the proposed provider pack. Further instructions will then be sent to you to make payment.
As a proposed provider you are wholly responsible for making sure that the premises is compliant with Enfield Councils planning and building control regulations, you must also comply with the requirements of Enfield Councils environmental health and local fire authority.
Nursery Provisions and Childcare on Domestic Premises - Legal Planning Requirements:
Proposed providers must contact the Enfield planning department to see if planning permission is required or not with regards to running a business from the premises prior to Ofsted registration.
Class E (Commercial, Business and Service), formerly known as D1, permission will be needed.
Enquiries to be made via email to
Please ensure that you have correct planning permission for the premises, as you will need to provide the evidence that planning permission has been granted to be able to offer funded places.
Early years business sustainability
See advice, examples and resources to help early years providers run a sustainable childcare business.
Careers in childcare
Career progression
If you are looking to progress in your Early Years career, please see Department for Education’s Early Years Career Progression Map (PDF, 635.47 KB)
Job vacancy bulletin
If you are looking for a job in childcare, please visit our Job vacancy bulletin.
Setting up a group setting
Information if you are looking to set up a group setting (day nursery or pre-school).
Becoming a childminder
Information if you are interested in becoming a childminder.
Becoming a nanny
Nannies, also known as 'home childcarers', look after children of any age in the child’s home.
Nannies do not have to register with Ofsted. However, they can choose to register voluntarily. This means that parents may be able to get help with childcare costs.
See information about becoming a nanny and running your business and the Ofsted registration process.
Nannies registered with Ofsted must follow these requirements.
Childcare sufficiency within Enfield
If you would like to find out more about Childcare Sufficiency within Enfield, please see the Enfield Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2022 to 2023 (PDF, 1208.95 KB). This is a study that Enfield Council regularly carries out in relation to the supply and demand for childcare.
Key demographic factors affecting the Enfield locality childcare market
The following paper presents an analysis (as of autumn 2019) which focuses on how demographic and socio-economic factors may continue to affect forthcoming localised demand for childcare places, and the 3 types of funded early years entitlements.
2019 Childcare Sufficiently Demographic and Socio-Economic updated paper (PDF, 330.63 KB).
Childcare and job readiness programmes
Introduction to childcare taster training programme
The course is delivered over 5 weeks in 2-hourly sessions once a week (10 hours in total). It is designed as an introduction to those interested in working within the early years sector. The course covers the following:
- Introduction to childcare in Enfield and career pathways
- Welfare and safeguarding requirements
- Managing behaviour and SEND
- Child protection awareness
- The role of the practitioner and good practice
Cost: This course is funded by the Early Years’ Service to be delivered to parents of Enfield Primary schools and PVI settings. For all other provisions and out of borough settings please contact
The job readiness programme
The course is delivered over 4 weeks in 2-hourly sessions once per week (8 hours in total). It is designed to support individuals in their journey of seeking employment. The course is not restricted to working in early years but rather a generic course covering employment. The course covers the following:
- Job readiness and mindset
- CV workshop
- Social media and job hunting
- Interview techniques and behaviours
Cost: This course is funded by the Early Years’ Service to be delivered to parents of Enfield Primary schools and PVI settings. For all other provisions and out of borough settings please contact
Both courses are interactive with case studies and opportunities for learners to share ideas and offer thought provoking discussions. We use a variety of teaching styles and adapt each course to meet the needs of the learners. Each courses come with a certificate of attendance and handouts/ PowerPoint presentations are emailed to each learner following the session.
If you would like to find out more information or would like to book a course to be delivered please email:
School nursery consultation
For more details about the proposed change of nursery hours at St. John's Church of England Primary School download the proposal here:
Early Years Change of nursery hours Consultation for St. John’s Church of England Primary School
For more details about the proposed change of nursery hours at Honilands Primary School download the proposal here:
Early Years Change of nursery hours Consultation for Honilands Primary School
For more details about the proposed change of nursery hours at Forty Hill Church of England Primary School download the proposal here:
Early Years Change of nursery hours Consultation for Forty Hill Church of England Primary School
For more details about the proposed change of age range at St Matthew's C of E Primary School download the proposal here:
Early Years Change of Age Range Consultation for St Matthew's C of E Primary School