Enfield Autism Strategy

Closed consultation
Start date:
06 December 2023
Closing date:
14 January 2024


The draft Autism Strategy (PDF) set out how we proposed working together as a partnership to improve the lives of autistic people, their families and carers in Enfield.

This document made clear how we intend to deliver the National strategy for autistic children, young people and adults: 2021 to 2026 in Enfield. In developing the draft Strategy we engaged with people with lived experiences and our partners in education, health, social care and the voluntary sector.

This resulted in identifying 7 priority areas;

We asked to hear your views on the draft Strategy.

Who can participate

All local people, organisations based in the borough and those with an interest in the issue.

How you can share your views

Questionnaire (standard and easy to read).

Closing date

14 January 2024 (11.59pm).

Further information

If you have any queries about this consultation, please email us at haveyoursay@enfield.gov.uk.

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