Flood awareness - drop-in session

Current consultation
Start date:
06 June 2024
Closing date:
29 June 2024


Edmonton has the highest concentration of flood risk areas in the borough, with over 7,000 properties at risk in an extreme event. Flooding can pose significant challenges to our community, impacting homes, infrastructure, and the overall quality of life. To address these challenges, the Council is aiming to empower communities with information on how to prepare, act and recover in a flood event. This will improve community flood resilience.

You can join us for our community engagement event to learn how to best protect yourself and your community from flood incidents. This will be taking place in the community rooms in Edmonton Green Library on 29 June 2024 from 1:30pm – 4:30pm.

The event is drop-in, but we will be running presentations throughout the afternoon to run through information on flood risk in Enfield, how to prepare, act and recover in a flood event and how the Council and partners are working to reduce the risk of flooding in the borough.

Please email flooding@enfield.gov.uk to register your interest.

Further information

If you would like to contact us for more information, please email flooding@enfield.gov.uk.

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