Safeguarding Adults Strategy

Closed consultation
Start date:
27 September 2023
Closing date:
08 November 2023


The draft Safeguarding Adults Strategy (PDF) set out how the Safeguarding Adults Board proposed to deliver on its vision for a community where we can all live free from abuse and harm, a place that does not tolerate abuse, where we all work together to stop abuse happening and where we all know what to do if abuse takes place.

The Safeguarding Adults Board brings together different organisations that work together in the borough to keep adults at risk safe. This includes Enfield Council, the Police and the NHS Integrated Care Board.

The draft Strategy set out the Safeguarding Adults Board’s priority areas for the next five years:

The Safeguarding Adults Board wanted to hear your views on the draft Strategy.

Who could participate

Residents, social care practitioners, and representatives of organisations from the statutory and voluntary sectors.

How you shared your views

By completing a questionnaire.

Closing date

8 November 2023 (11.59pm)

Further information

If you have any queries about this consultation, please email

If you are a resident of Enfield and think that you would like to contribute to the work of the Safeguarding Adults Board, then please contact to hear more about the role of Lay Member of the Board.

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