We regularly publish council information on our website as part of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR).
You can request information about council matters that we have within our records under the FOIA, providing that the information is not of a personal nature. If you ask for information about environmental matters, such as waste, air, water, soil and plants we will handle your request in keeping with the EIR. For more information, visit the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).
If you would like access to council information, you should first check our website to see if we have published it under our data transparency and publication scheme.
There is a wide range of information available in key areas, such as:
- Council spending
- Public health funerals
- Empty private residential properties
- Transparency reports
- Deprivation, housing and homelessness, local government finance, planning performance and land use
- Children and education
- Schools and children's services (PDF, 225.21 KB)
- General statistics
- Business rates data
- Highways maintenance, including potholes
What information can be requested?
You can request council information that we have not published on our website.
There is certain information we may not be able to give you, if this is the case we will tell you why.
In order to protect council taxpayer funds we do not release any details of credit balances in response to freedom of information (FOI) requests.
We will not be able to give you the information if the cost of providing it exceeds £450, not including postage, printing or stationery. Information about this is available on the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). We will tell you what information we can give you within a cost of £450.
What information should be provided as part of the request?
You will need to give us a detailed description of what information you need and tell us how you would like this to be sent. We will email the information to you unless it isn’t available electronically or you ask for it to be posted.
You should also tell us what format you require, such as a CSV or MS Excel file.
Is there a cost for the information?
There will be no cost for information we email to you. If we need to post the information to you, we will let you know if there is any charge for printing and postage.
We generally only charge if printing and postage costs more than £25. You will need to pay this fee before we send you the information. You have up to 3 months to pay us before we close your request. If you still need the information after this time, you will need to ask for it again.
When will the information be sent?
You will be sent the information within 20 working days of receiving your request.
What if you are unhappy with our response?
You can ask for a review if you are unhappy with our response or the way we handled your request.
You can do this by responding to the officer who sent you the information. A senior manager will then review the request and let you know the outcome.
If you are still unhappy after this review, you can ask the ICO to investigate. For more information on how you can complain about our response, refer to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).