Educational Psychology Support for Critical Incidents

Critical Incidents Response for Schools and Educational Settings

Educational Psychologists (EPs) can offer support to schools in situations that have the potential to cause disruption and distress to the school when members of the school community are affected by a significant loss, traumatic or sad event.

EPs will support the school’s Senior Management Team to consider the situation, develop an understanding of the support needs of individuals and groups within the school community and guide planning in relation to providing the right emotional support at the right time.

In relation to emotional support, EPs mostly work with the adults in the school so that they can support the pupils, as research tells us that children and young people prefer / find it more beneficial speaking with familiar people who they will have an ongoing relationship / contact with. Research does not suggest a need for counselling in the immediacy of a traumatic experience.  The EPs can also signpost the school to access advice, information and resources in relation to emotional support or reassurance.

Further information can be found in the Critical Incidents Protocol for Schools and Educational Settings.

You can contact the team on 020 8379 2000 or email,