Application for a mutual exchange

ALL applicants in this exchange must read all the important information (PDF, 216.05 KB) carefully. Required fields are marked as *

You (Enfield Council tenants only)
Date of birth *
Your address and details of other people living with you
(Name / Relationship to you / Date of birth )
Details of where you live
What type of property do you live in? (please tick) *
Important information

Before a Mutual Exchange can go ahead we will need further information on all properties.

We will:

  • check your rent account and your tenancy record
  • carry out an inspection of your property. You MUST inform us of any alterations or structural changes.
Have there been any alterations or structural changes, including any adaptations, to your property? *
Details of the person and property with which you want to exchange

I request the council to allow me to exchange accommodation with

Declaration and signature (first applicant)
Declaration *
Equalities monitoring

We are committed to provide services fairly and equally to all our customers. The information you give is strictly confidential and is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act. It will be used for designing and monitoring services. Completing this form or any part of it is voluntary. You do not have to give information if you prefer not to. By giving this information you and any other person mentioned gives consent for this information to be stored and used for the purposes outlined above.

Please tick the following boxes that apply to you.

Sexual orientation
Disability Do you have a long term illness or disability that limits your ability to carry out daily activities?
Terms and conditions *

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