Leaseholder details

Required fields are marked as *

Leasehold property details
Leaseholder details
Date of birth *
Are there more than one leaseholder? *

Please provide full name, date of birth, phone number and email of each leaseholder. Use comma ',' to separate each value. Enter details of each leaseholder in a new line.

Do you live at the property? *
Subletting details
Are you subletting the property? *
Method used to sublet
Details of managing agent or housing association

e.g. sublet privately

This information is required for emergency purposes. Please provide full name, phone number, email and tenancy start date of each tenant. Use comma ',' to separate each value. Enter details of each tenant in a new line.

Sublet declaration

  • I understand that, all leaseholders (named above) remain responsible for complying with the terms of the lease during the period that the property is sublet. I/We have also explained to the sub tenant the terms of the lease that they must comply with.
  • I/We also agree to provide Enfield Council with a copy of the Gas Safety Certificate if requested. I/We also agree to provide a copy of tenancy agreement, if requested.
  • I/We agree to pay the sum of £35.00 which covers Enfield Council's costs in registering the details of the sublet.(Payment details will be sent once the form is received by us)
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