Leaseholder improvement or alteration works

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Terms and conditions
  1. Before Enfield Council Housing can grant permission for works you propose to carry out, an application form must be completed and forwarded together with any plans, drawings, schedules of work and a signed copy of these conditions. You must obtain written approval from us prior to commencing any improvement works and keep all guarantees/warranties and forward these or copies to Enfield Council Housing on completion of works if requested.
  2. The total cost of the work and related expenses are to be met by you as the leaseholder of the property.
  3. You must advise Home Ownership Services when works are due to commence and when works are completed in order that we may inspect the works if necessary. You must provide access for us to inspect the works within 21 calendar days of completion of the works or when otherwise requested by Enfield Council Housing.
  4. Any contractors you employ must be suitably qualified, members of their respective trade organisation and hold a current Public Liability insurance policy to a minimum value of £2 million. The manufacturer or contractor should provide a guarantee for some improvements.
  5. You must ensure that the appropriate statutory authorities are involved where necessary:
    • Where planning permission or building regulation approval is required before undertaking some works, the approval/certificate must be sent to Enfield Council Housing before the works commence.
    • Notices may need to be served on the gas, electricity and water and sewerage companies. If required, Enfield Council Housing will need to see proof of these notices before the works commence. Any conditions required by these statutory or responsible authorities must be met.
  6. In carrying out the works, you will be required to ensure:
    • that if there are common parts to the building, they must be protected and clear of obstruction. After the works have been completed, common parts should be cleaned and free from dust and debris.
    • that any damage caused during the works are notified to us and put right at your expense. You will be liable for any claims of damage from a third party.
    • you notify all neighbours likely to be affected by the works and take all possible steps to minimise inconvenience, noise and nuisance to them. No work should be undertaken during the hours of 10pm and 8am. Noisy operations which may disturb others should only be undertaken between the hours of 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings.
    • access is available for Enfield Council to inspect works both before commencement and after completion of works if required. No additional fee is payable for any inspections or reinspections. Should conditions not be met and/or the works are not progressing in a satisfactory manner, Enfield Council Housing reserves the right to order the works be stopped.
  7. You may be liable to pay an administration fee, we will confirm this with you once we have reviewed your application, please see a list of our fees for reference.
  8. In making any application to carry out alterations, you are required to sign these conditions and return them to Home Ownership Services.
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