Welfare advice, debt and benefit support referral form

If you require advice or specialist support with Council debts you can complete this Form. A member of our Welfare & Debt Support team will contact you to help.

This Form may be completed by a resident or third party on behalf of a resident.

All fields are mandatory, however if you are unsure of any details please input ‘unknown’ in the relevant field.

Required fields are marked as *

Are you filling this form for yourself or is this a 3rd party referral?
3rd party referral
Date of Referral
Has the customer given explicit consent for you to contact the Welfare Advice & Debt Support Team?

Please give us the details of the person this request relates to.

Date of birth *
Please state the information, advice or help you need
We will need to know their Name, Date of birth and relationship to you.
Please include the type of income, amount received and how often.
Do you owe money to the Council? * Council Tax, Council Tax Support or Housing Benefit Overpayments, Rent arrears, Adult Social Care arrears etc
Please tell us if any of the following affect your need for support and advice
Domestic violence/Abuse/Coercive control *
Mental health *
Physical health/disabilities *
Addictions *
Care leaver *
Prison leaver *
Terms and conditions *

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