Fostering information pack

Front cover of 3 of the fostering handbooks

Fostering handbook and brochure

Our what is fostering brochure (PDF, 1192.03 KB) is an introduction to what fostering is all about and the key stages you need to go through to apply.

View our Foster carers handbook (PDF, 1560.22 KB).

Fostering allowances

Details for the weekly fees foster carers receive (DOC, 82 KB).

Fostering information events

See a round up of the events we have to help you on your fostering journey.

Fostering and benefits

Guidance from the Fostering Network about Claiming benefits you may be entitled to.

Income Tax and National Insurance

Guidance from the Fostering Network about the Income Tax and National Insurance (DOCX, 27.31 KB) conditions for foster carers.

Fostering statement of purpose

Our statement of purpose ( PDF, 411.6 KB) outlines Enfield Councils Fostering’s aims and what we want to achieve for the children in the council’s care and for our foster carers.

Smoking policy

The Fostering Network - Fostering and smoking.

Enfield foster carers charter

The foster carers charter (PDF, 131.04 KB) details what foster carers can expect from Enfield Council, including support, training and fair treatment.

Private fostering

Our Private fostering booklet (PDF, 3184.32 KB) outlines what private fostering is, as well as the responsibilities of the birth parents and the child’s carers.

Fostering information

Watch our event information presentation (PDF, 277.51 KB).