The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) aims to provide robust evidence of health needs of our population in order to improve health and wellbeing of Enfield. It informs the way in which decisions about health, wellbeing and social care services are planned and arranged.
The below reports include ward level data and maps. The Office of National Statistics (ONS) outlined for ward boundary changes in April 2022 and these changes have been reflected in the JSNA reports where data has been available.
Enfield people
- Demography - population structure, population projection, deprivation, diversity (ethnicity, language, religion) and number of births
- Life expectancy, healthy life expectancy and mortality - life expectancy, healthy life expectancy, mortality and causes of deaths
Enfield place
- Healthy streets - physical activity, active travel, air quality, noise, safety and things to see and do in Enfield
- Health and housing - housing affordability ratio, household size, homelessness, delayed transfers of care in Enfield
- Health assets - economic assets, education and skills, well-being, what we do, physical assets in Enfield
- Community safety - fear of crime, police strength, crime rates and youth offending in Enfield
Healthy living
- Healthy weight - prevalence of excess weight in children and adult, physical activity, healthy eating, consequence of being overweight or obese and food poverty
- Smoking - smoking prevalence, smoking related illness and mortality and the cost of smoking
- Sexual and reproductive health - prevalence of HIV and STIs, teenage pregnancy, reproductive health, long-acting reversible contraception, emergency hormonal contraception
- Substance misuse - drug and alcohol - risk factors for substance misuse, prevalence of drinking and drug use, hospital admissions for related conditions, mortality, treatment and treatment outcomes
- Oral health - oral health survey, attendance at dental check up and hospital admissions for tooth extractions in young children
Life stage and groups
- Maternity - maternity and births, abortions, infant mortality, maternity services and maternal health
- SEND - young people with special educational needs and disabilities
- School age children - demography of children and young people (population by ward, ethnicity), deprivation, health behaviours amongst young people, immunisation uptake, health services usage.
- Vulnerable adults - older people, mental health, adult social care, safeguarding, and adults with disabilities in Enfield
- Older people - demography of older people (aged 65+), deprivation impacting older people, social isolation, prevalence of long term conditions including dementia, falls, immunisation
- Violence against women and girls - domestic abuse, sexual violence, female genital mutilation in Enfield
- Serious youth violence - violence in youth and associated personal, school and family risk factors
- End of life care - place of death, deaths in usual place of residence, underlying cause of death and care home use in Enfield
- Care services (PPTX, 1486.39 KB) - Unpaid care services, care services and carer wellbeing
Disease conditions and healthcare
- Locality profile - prevalence and management of long term conditions, hospital admissions, health behaviours by 4 localities in Enfield
- Health protection - childhood immunisation, adult immunisation, and screening
- Cancer - cancer prevalence and incidence, risk factors for cancer, cancer screening, 2-week wait referral, emergency presentations, hospital admissions, and mortality due to cancer in Enfield
- Cardiovascular disease - prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, ischaemic heart disease, chronic kidney disease and stroke, hospital admissions and mortality due to diabetes, ischaemic heart disease, chronic kidney disease and stroke, return on investment on cardiovascular disease interventions
- Respiratory disease - risk factors, prevalence, emergency admissions, average length of stay, mortality and spend for asthma and COPD in Enfield
- Mental health - adult mental health and children and adolescents’ mental health, including risk factors, prevalence of mental health conditions, service usage, self-harm and suicide