Take control of your housing
Rents in Enfield and most of London are very high.
The housing we offer you must be affordable. If you cannot afford the rents in London and the South East, you might have to move outside of London.
Our approach is explained in our housing placement policy.
How to find your own housing
Are you getting homelessness support from us? You should not wait for us to find you a home.
To take control of your housing, you could:
- rent a home nationwide
- increase your housing options by registering with our housing partners
- find a private home to rent and get one month’s rent and deposit from our Find Your Own Home scheme
- consider shared ownership and other ways to buy a home
Rent a home nationwide
If you cannot afford London's rents, you could rent a house or flat in:
- Blackpool
- Derby
- Dudley
- Hartlepool
- Leicester
- Liverpool
- Middlesbrough
- Sheffield
- Stoke-on-Trent
- Telford and Wrekin
- other parts of the UK
City and area guides
To find out more about living in these places, you can check online guides like:
Saving money with lower rents
Our nationwide homes have a lower rent than most London homes of the same size.
Do you claim welfare benefits? The rents for these homes are fully covered by their area’s Local Housing Allowance (LHA). So, if you get the full LHA, you wouldn’t pay extra to cover your rent.
Ask us about homes for rent nationwide
These homes are for people in Enfield Council temporary accommodation.
To find out about our latest available homes for rent, please contact your caseworker or email housingsupply@enfield.gov.uk.
Register with our housing partners
Increase your housing options – register with our partners
Are you waiting for us to find you a longer-term home?
You will get more choices if you register with our expert partners. Please tell them you are in temporary accommodation and getting housing support from Enfield Council.
Ready to move on from temporary accommodation to a home you can afford? Register directly with any, or all, of our partners:
- Beam
- Homefinder UK
- Reloc8UK
Get one-to-one support from Beam
For one-to-one support to find a home that’s right for you, register with our partner Beam. They also offer job help after you move.
Find accessible and other kinds of homes on Homefinder UK
For social housing, wheelchair-accessible homes, and private homes for rent, register with Homefinder UK.
Get expert advice and search Reloc8 UK
For help finding a home that matches your budget and other needs, register with Reloc8 UK. They have a variety of homes for rent in the Midlands and the north of England.
Search for a home to rent on MovingSoon
For a home you can afford, you can also search MovingSoon. You do not have to register to search their website.
Find a private home you can afford to rent
You can search for your ideal home anywhere in the UK. However, it must be a home you can afford to rent.
After you find a private home you can afford to rent, tell your caseworker. Ask them about our Find Your Own Home scheme. You could get one month’s rent and deposit (or we could pay an incentive directly to the landlord or agent).
For practical tips about renting, read the 'How to rent' (GOV.UK) guide. It also includes information about your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.
Other ways of moving on to a new home
Renting is one of the ways you can move on to a longer-term home.
You could also: