Get in touch

We are urging all residents to get in touch either via our project email address at or our project phone number on 020 3821 1950 with any questions or queries you may have. A member of the engagement team will be on hand to respond to clarify any concerns you may have about the regeneration.

Boundary Hall
7 Snell’s Park
N18 2SY

Open Monday to Thursday from 10am to 4pm.

Contact us

We would like to keep you updated on our upcoming programme. Complete the contact form.

Meet your Community Manager

Richard Keri

We are thrilled to have Richard Keri as the Community Manager for Joyce Avenue and Snell's Park estate! Richard has been an integral part of our community for the past several months, engaging with residents and providing valuable opportunities for discussions on issues related to tenancy, homes, and the broader estate.

Richard will be available on Tuesdays from 10 am to 4 pm. Additionally, he will be accessible on some Wednesdays and Thursdays based on his availability. This availability ensures direct access to him when needed, providing a comprehensive management service to ensure that the London Borough of Enfield meets all health and safety requirements.

How to get in touch

If you have any questions or concerns about your residence or matters within the local community, please feel free to reach out. You can contact Richard directly using the details provided below. To arrange a personalised appointment, simply get in touch: