A new drive to encourage all Enfield adults to have a vaccine against coronavirus has been launched by the Council and NHS.
Council staff are travelling door to door to encourage all residents over 18 to book their jab if they have not already had it.
Drop in vaccination centres and pop-up clinics arrived in the borough this week to increase uptake.
Vaccination rates in Enfield are already amongst the best in London but public health chiefs are keen that as many people as possible are protected from coronavirus as the Delta variant continues to spread throughout the country.
They are specifically focusing on encouraging residents from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds to have the jab as they are statistically least like to have a vaccine and more likely to contract coronavirus. They are also those most likely to have suffered from the virus.
Enfield Council’s Cabinet member for Health and Social Care, Cllr Alev Cazimoglu, said: “We are proud of our vaccination rate in Enfield but there are groups which have lower levels of vaccine take up and I’d urge all over 18s to be vaccinated as rapidly as they can.
“By being vaccinated, you reduce the risk of severe illness or death from Covid-19 for yourself and others. All the vaccines are effective against all the variants and are helping reduce hospital admissions and serious illness so I would urge everyone to attend a vaccination drop in centre or book their jab online.”
Pop-up centres and a Vaccine Bus offering the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines - where people can be vaccinated without and appointment – are being organised at:
Vaccine Pop-Up Centres:
- Thursday 16 - 10am to 2pm, Trinity at Bowes Church, Palmerston Road, N22 8RA
Vaccine Bus:
- Friday 16 July - 12noon to 8pm, Lidl car park, Sterling Way, Edmonton N18 2XZ
- Saturday 17 July - 10am to 4pm, Edmonton Green Shopping Centre (concourse) N9 0TZ
- Sunday 18 July - 10am to 4pm, Enfield Island Village Centre (car park) EN3 6GS
A number of doctors surgeries in Enfield are also offering a walk-in service for people wishing to be vaccinated, every day of the week between 9am and 6pm:
- Carlton House, 28 Tenniswood Road EN1 3LL
- Evergreen Surgery, 1 Smythe Close N9 0TW
Residents over 18 can also book a vaccine through the NHS portal