Dumped rubbish fines - pay now, don’t regret it later

Notice letter

People who neglected to pay fixed penalty notices (FPNs) issued by Enfield Council for dumping rubbish have ended up paying more than double the original penalty, on the orders of a magistrate.

In its latest drive to clean up the streets of the borough, Enfield Council is taking action to fine people who dump rubbish. If the notices are not paid, we pursue payment within the justice system.

On 8 November 2021, 9 people had their cases heard at Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court after Enfield Council prosecuted them under section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 Act – they pleaded guilty in advance and were each ordered to pay a £220 fine, £100 in costs and a £34 victim surcharge, totalling £354.

If they had paid the FPN in the first place they would have had to pay £150 each for littering and rubbish dumping. Enfield Council sends reminders to those issued with FPNs and encourages prompt payment to avoid escalation to prosecution.

The defendants were:

Sevgi Ahmet of Eldon Road, N9, age 31 years

Monique Brown of Mapleton Crescent, EN3, age 47 years

Dan Dragusi of Mount Close, EN4, age 44 years

Edita Kein of Hudson Way, N9, age 33 years

Bartek Mariask of Croyland Road, N9, age 22 years

Paula Morrison of Malden Road, NW5, age 46 years

Melisa Ristic of Great Cambridge Road, EN1, age 31 years

Olyvi Starling of Winchester Road, N9, age 21 years

Arkaduaz Wichir of Chiswick Road, N9, age 25 years

Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Rick Jewell, said: “It’s unfortunate that we have had to take this prosecution action because the defendants did not pay their FPNs.

“All we want is for people to dispose of their rubbish properly and treat their environment with respect. We would rather not have to issue FPNs but in the event that we do. Enfield Council will always try and make contact with someone who has not paid an FPN before officers refer their non-payment to a court.

“We can’t allow people to think they can dump rubbish and get away with it. Our priority is to make sure our streets are clean, safe and welcoming. While of course, I’d rather not see any rubbish dumped at all, these 10 people could have paid £150 – they’ve now had to stump up an extra £200 on top.”

In July 2021, Cllr Jewell ordered a review of street cleaning in Enfield and in September the Council introduced free bulky waste collections. According to 2019/20 data, Enfield had the 8th highest number of enforcement actions in London, demonstrating its commitment to keeping he borough clean and taking action against those who dump rubbish. You can find out more about FPNs on the Council’s website.

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