Residents and visitors to Enfield are being invited to a free exhibition of artwork created by talented users of the Council’s Mental Health Enablement Support Hub.
Visitors will be able to view exhibits including 32 pictures in fine art, beaded and various paintings and drawings.
The exhibition will be held on Thursday 8 September from 3pm to 6pm at the Mental Health Resource Centre, Ground Floor, 65C Park Avenue, Bush Hill Park, Enfield EN1 2HL.
Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care at Enfield Council, Cllr Alev Cazimoglu, will open the exhibition and will give a speech at 3.30pm.
The display of artwork from people recovering from mental health difficulties was produced either through art therapy via mental health services or provided for the exhibition through contact with the Council’s Mental Health Enablement Support Hub.
The hub service users have long term and short term enduring mental health needs.
Cllr Alev Cazimoglu said: “I am delighted to be invited to open such a fantastic and vibrant art exhibition.
“Engaging in artistic work has long been recognised as a positive therapeutic tool by clinicians and practitioners. The artists themselves benefit greatly from having their efforts and talent recognised and exhibited for wider appreciation.
“It is essential that vulnerable people in the community have an opportunity to demonstrate their individualism through art which helps people to feel valued to grow, flourish and feel better about their recovery which prompts greater participation and community involvement.
“Art can also improve their mood, self-esteem, interpersonal skills and ultimately a positive life experience.”
The artworks produced on a weekly basis in the mental health service is now growing, and it has become a shared experience of great value with ongoing discussion and peer participation, which is a significant aid to recovery.
The Council's Mental Health Enablement Hub offers a safe space for vulnerable individuals to attend and explore their practical, emotional, social and creative needs in a non-judgmental environment where they can feel safe and secure.
Enfield Council has a formal partnership with Barnet, Enfield and Haringey NHS Trust in the provision of local services for those experiencing and recovering from mental health difficulties.