A statement from Cllr Gina Needs, Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion and Enforcement at Enfield Council:
“The sixth day of June is an important day to remember war veterans from Enfield and all over the country, as we commemorate the 80th anniversary of the iconic D-Day Landings.
“The D-Day Landings of 6 June 1944 was the largest seaborne invasion in history. Along with the associated airborne operations, it marked the beginning of the liberation of France and western Europe.
“In Enfield, councillors and members of the Royal British Legion will be assembling at 6.30am on Thursday 6 June at Enfield War Memorial to mark this historic day to remember D-Day and Normandy veterans.
“The ceremony begins at the time the first British forces were landing on Normandy beaches.
“I hope that Normandy veterans, families of the fallen, descendants of Normandy veterans, and residents join us in commemorating D-Day 80.
“If you are unable to join us in the morning, a special short ceremony will be held outside Enfield Civic Centre in Silver Street at 9pm, to remember the sacrifices made by armed services during the historic military operation.
“Enfield Civic Centre will also be lit up in white light to symbolise the national beacon of hope as a ‘lamp light of peace’.
“It’s important that we take a moment to reflect and to remember those who gave their lives for us on D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.
“We will come together to honour the memory of all those involved and to contemplate the enduring legacy of peace they fought to secure. I hope you will join me in taking a moment on 6 June to remember those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom today.”
Event details
Thursday, 6 June at 6.30am
Enfield War Memorial, Chase Side, EN2 6SG.
The commemorative ceremony will be led by Reverend Steve Griffiths and will involve the Last Post followed by a two-minutes silence and wreath laying by the Deputy Lieutenant, Mayor of Enfield, Armed Forces representatives, Enfield councillors and residents.
Enfield Civic Centre, Silver Street, EN1 3XA.
The Enfield Veterans’ Combined Services Ceremonial Committee (EVCSCC) of the Enfield Branch of the Royal British Legion has organised a parade as part of the annual national commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day.
Air Cadets and Standard bearers will say a few words alongside the Mayor of Enfield.
Everyone is welcome to attend to pay their respects.
In the early hours of D-Day, 24,000 paratroopers and glider-borne troops landed behind German lines to provide tactical support.
Then a ground force of more than 130,000 troops came ashore on five beaches across a 50-mile stretch of Normandy coast, with the first waves often facing intact defences.
By the end of D-Day there had been 10,000 allied casualties. Yet this was only the beginning. The ensuing Battle of Normandy was to last into August and cost tens of thousands of lives.
Picture credit: Royal British Legion/Chroma Collection/Alamy.