Annual Ignite Awards celebrates talented young people in Enfield

Lib Peck, Young Leader- Leona Opoku, Winner - Safiyyah Hart

The achievements of inspirational young people who have made positive changes to their lives have been celebrated at the third annual Ignite Awards.

Enfield Council’s Youth Work and Development Team hosts the awards to celebrate the borough’s young people, to give them a voice and inspire others to fulfill their ambitions.

Special guests included the Mayor of Enfield, Cllr Mohammad Islam, and the Director of the Mayor of London’s Violence Reduction Unit, Lib Peck, who celebrated young people’s dedication, positive influences and determination to improve themselves and the local community.

Outstanding examples included Dantae Jacob for the “Above & Beyond” award and Safi Hart for “Young Role Model” award.

Dantae was nominated for his extraordinary transformation and change in his past behaviours. His admirable leadership skills have already started making positive impacts with his peers who have faced expulsion in school and within the community.

Safi has persevered and overcome personal struggles to become a better role model for her younger siblings. She has worked tremendously hard to change her behaviours and take on more responsibilities to set an example for her younger sister and brother.

In total, ten inspiring young people also received awards across different categories for their commitment to the community in and around Enfield. The ceremony was hosted at Cineworld in Southbury Ward and was presented by Enfield Young Leaders.

Cllr Abdul Abdullahi, Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, said: “The Ignite Awards evening is more than just a ceremony – it is an event where we can celebrate and give thanks to the talented young people making an impact within the communities in Enfield.

“I would also like to give special thanks to our Young Leaders who made this possible and for their support in encouraging the next generation of youth to inspire, achieve and believe in themselves. As a Council, we hope an initiative like this will positively influence all our young people across the borough.”

Over 70% of the young people nominated for awards were participants in the Enfield Inspiring Young Enfield (IYE) Mentoring to Succeed programme, which has been funded by the Mayor of London’s New Deal for Young People initiative.

The IYE mentoring programme has provided life-changing support to these young people, equipping them with the tools and confidence to navigate challenges and seize opportunities. Through this structured 12-week initiative, participants aged 11 to 21 (and up to 25 for those with SEND) have received tailored mentorship t. They’ve been empowered to develop critical life skills, build resilience, and cultivate a positive sense of self-worth.

The award winners:  

360 Award: Emiliano Negoita, Johnathan Hart and Krim Altinawe

Emiliano, Johnathan and Krim have turned their life around for the better, showing great resilience within challenging circumstances, and have made a positive change personally and for the community.

Inspiring Sunshine: Stephanie Frimpong

Stephanie is always positive and innovative with a bright smile that encourages a growth mindset for everyone around them.

Selfless Soul Award: Karnell Fletcher

This award honours young caregivers like Karnel for their extraordinary compassion and dedication to caring for others. Karnel has shown selflessness, resilience, and unwavering commitment, serving as a beacon of inspiration for their remarkable contributions to the well-being of their loved ones.

Sporting Achievement: Finley Willis

Finley has excelled or made an outstanding contribution or achievement in a sporting activity.

The Shield Award: Quincy Abnett-Boothe

Quincy is a young individual in Enfield who exemplifies excellence, leadership, and positive influence. Quincy is nominated for outstanding achievements across various fields, inspiring others with their talent, dedication, and commitment to making a difference.

Young Creator Award: Hannah Orevba

Hannah has inspired others through her creative arts: Physical Art, Fashion, Animation, and Graphic Design.

Young Volunteer Award: Aylward Academy – IYE Health and Social Care Mentoring Programme

Aylward Academy has positively impacted the local community, which has contributed to the well-being of others.

Youth Worker of the Year: Minhaz Rahman

Minhaz embodies the skills, knowledge and values of a dedicated youth worker to make sure that young people have the right opportunities to learn and develop.

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