Enfield welcomes herd of cattle at Forty Hall and Trent Park

Grazing cattle will become a permanent feature in two Enfield parks, following a successful 12-month trial.

Enfield Council’s trial conservation cattle grazing project at Forty Hall and Trent Park has been completed, bringing environmental benefits to the borough.

Enfield Council, in partnership with Capel Manor College, began the project in July 2023 to help restore vital wood pasture habitats and improve local biodiversity.

Nearly 40 local volunteers, known as “lookers,” helped monitor the cattle. One of the many volunteers said: “The cows have brought value in multiple ways, and they are a joy to see on walks at Forty Hall and Trent Park."

The success of the trial now means the Council will adopt this as a long-term practice. A herd of Red Poll cattle will continue to graze in both sites, while being protected by invisible fences, to fully reap the benefits of this practice.

Invisible fences use GPS collar technology to monitor the cattle and keep them contained within a virtual boundary without the need for physical fences. The cattle are trained to respond to the warning sounds the collars send when they approach the virtual fence lines. For information on how it works, visit Nofence.

Cllr Chinelo Anyanwu, the Cabinet Member for Environment, Culture and Public Spaces, said: “From reducing the use of large mowers and consumption of fossil fuels to strengthening wildflowers, soil quality and the wider ecosystem, conservation grazing has so many benefits. Which is why I am overjoyed to announce the success of the trial and the continuation of the project.

“I would also like to extend my thanks to all the volunteers that made this project possible. Just like how cattle grazing is an important part of habitat management, volunteers play a key role to the work we do across Enfield.

Enfield Council is committed to helping deliver the Blue and Green Plan, (PDF, 18976.09 KB) which aims to improve the environment, benefit wildlife, and give greater opportunity for people to enjoy nature.

This is made possible through the Countryside Stewardship Agreement with the Rural Payments Agency and Natural England.

If you are interested in volunteering as a looker, please contact bluegreen@enfield.gov.uk.

For more information, visit our environment pages.

Watch our video on cattle grazing.

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