Art School's plan to tackle youth crime through performance

Edmonton-based performing arts school Platinum Performing Arts (PPA) is launching a project to help prevent violent youth crime, funded by the National Lottery Community Funding Project.

The arts school is currently working with a number of organisations including Enfield Council, schools, the voluntary sector and the Metropolitan Police and is keen to speak to more groups who would like to be involved in the project.

Power to Make a Change is a five-year project which aims to engage with young people at risk of entering gangs by presenting positive alternatives. Young people’s thoughts, feelings and life experiences will be given a voice through a dance and theatre production.

Using the award of £300,978, young people will work alongside a variety of professionals to write a script, produce music, and direct and star in the production. They will gain experience in a number of fields – from performing, to videography, make-up and costume design, among other fields. In addition, PPA will be making a film, documenting their five-year journey.

Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Cohesion, Cllr Nneka Keazor, said: “We have had a fantastic relationship with PPA and its work within the community and would like to congratulate them on securing this funding. We all look forward to working with the school’s young performers on this ambitious project.

“London has suffered terribly from an increase in violent crime in recent years and ultimately, it’s young people who pay the ultimate price. Enfield Council is determined to use whatever means necessary within its limited resources to show young people that there are positive and meaningful alternatives to crime. The Power to Make a Change is a welcome addition to the many projects on-going in the borough.”

Nina Lewis-Hart, founder of PPA, said: “Our students feel very strongly about current social issues, particularly youth violence in London. We are passionate about spreading the anti-knife crime message and feel we can offer young people an accessible platform to tell their stories through the expressive arts and ultimately, we can help to make a change in our community.”

PPA is currently in talks with Enfield schools and has arranged to start the project from September 2019. If you would like to get involved, please email

The school is also excited to announce it has submitted a proposal to open a full-time performing and creative arts college to be based at Millfield House, subject to planning permission and other conditions.

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