A campaign aiming to help Enfield residents cut their risk of developing cancer will be launched with a public event on 1 July.
The launch at Enfield Market Square from noon to 2pm will see healthcare professionals giving residents advice on how to spot the symptoms of cancer and the small lifestyle changes they can make to reduce the chance of contracting the disease.
Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health, Cllr Mahtab Uddin, said: “In many cases, cancer has become a treatable disease. Delivering improvements in early diagnosis of cancer by raising awareness of its symptoms is our main aim. By spotting cancer earlier, we can improved the outcomes for patients. We will also focus on the importance of prevention by promoting healthier lifestyles and encouraging people to participate in national screening programmes.
“Remember, cancer screening is free and finding it earlier can greatly increase the chances of successful treatment. But the single biggest impact anyone can make to reduce the risk of developing cancer is to quit smoking.”
The campaign is being coordinated by Enfield Council and Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group after a successful bid was made for funding to improve awareness of risks, screening programmes and early warning symptoms associated with cancer.
The year-long project primarily aims to tackle breast, lung, bowel and cervical cancer – the most common cancers, and three of the four biggest killers in the UK. To learn about spotting the signs of cancer visit the NHS website or CRUK website.
Everyone is welcome to join Enfield Health Champions, Health Trainers, and nurses from Cancer Research UK and Macmillan to seek advice and if necessary to speak in confidence to professionals about their concerns.
If you can’t make it to Enfield Town on 1 July, you can sign up to our Health & Wellbeing newsletters at https://bit.ly/2kh3DC6 where you can get all the latest information about our campaign directly to your inbox. If you want advice and support to quit smoking please visit the London Stop Smoking Portal.