CCTV installed to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour

We have responded to residents concerns and installed CCTV cameras to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.

Enfield Council has responded to resident’s concerns about crime and anti-social behaviour by installing CCTV cameras at the entrances to the Highlands Avenue estate and World’s End Lane.

The two cameras will be linked to the Council’s state of the art CCTV control room giving 24 hour a day coverage of the area.

Enfield Councils Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Cohesion, Cllr Nneka Keazor, said: “We listened to what our residents and ward councillors said to us and we have taken swift and decisive action to install cameras which will reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and enable us to gather evidence for the police in the event of a crime being committed.

“We are committed to reducing crime and anti-social behaviour and making Enfield safer and we are actively working with residents by listening to their concerns doing what we can to improve their quality of life.”

The Council is also working on installing cameras in Grange Ward – including around the railway station and in Pymmes Park.

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