Council tenants welcomed to new homes

New homes have been built in Jasper Close in Turkey Street ward (EN3) by Enfield Council.

The new development is part of the Council’s commitment to deliver 3,500 Council-led homes.

The Council completed Nicholls House, which provides 14 new homes at London Affordable Rent for Enfield residents.

The homes are meeting the needs of residents for affordable, secure accommodation including offering a solution for residents downsizing and freeing up family homes, for care leavers and for residents who need disabled adapted accommodation.

The new homes have been allocated via the Council’s choice-based lettings system that gives eligible people the chance to choose which Council or housing association home they want. It works on a bidding principle as and when properties become available.

Funding to build Nicholls House was received from the Greater London Authority (GLA), after a successful grant bid from the Council for 10 extra affordable homes for local people to rent.

Cllr Gina Needs, Cabinet Member for Social Housing at Enfield Council, visited residents at Nicholls House this week, to speak to residents and to find out how they were settling into their new homes.

Cllr Gina Needs said: “It was fantastic to meet residents from Nicholls House and to see how happy they were in their new homes.

“We are committed to providing as many new and affordable homes for our residents as possible, and the Jasper Close development is one of many housing development schemes in the borough.

“Good quality homes are vital as they provide our residents with a place where they can work towards achieving their goals and reach their potential.”

The Nicholls House development includes six car parking spaces, solar PV panels to produce electricity directly from sunlight, electric vehicle charging points and associated landscaping and amenity space.

Find more information on current Enfield Council housing development scheme projects.

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