Discover books and much more during Libraries Week

Yoga classes, origami workshops, chess matches and music clubs will all be on offer in Enfield libraries during Libraries Week, 8-13 October.

Enfield Council’s four hub libraries at Enfield Town, Edmonton Green, Ordnance Unity Centre and Palmers Green will be hosting events every day of that week and all libraries in the borough open on Saturday 13 October will have something special on offer too.

Highlights of the week include:

  • The creation of a community quilt at Enfield Town Library on 9 October
  • A Community Health Workshop at Edmonton Green Library on 10 October
  • A Yoga Workshop at Palmers Green Library on 8 October
  • A Stress and Relaxation Workshop run by Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) at Ordnance Unity Centre Library on 11 October

Enfield has 17 libraries in all and this dedicated week provides an opportunity to showcase some of the many services that can be accessed.  Our libraries have activities to suit all ages and interests as well as facilities to support the visually and hearing impaired and adults with learning disabilities.

Residents, with a free library card, can access books, including an online catalogue, a DVD and CD library and free Wi-Fi access. All Enfield’s libraries, except Angel Raynham, have self-service terminals.

Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Cllr Achilleas Georgiou, said: “We are very proud of our library service and want to ensure that as many people as possible are inspired to visit a library and see what is on offer. National Libraries week is an opportunity to discover something new. They are not only a great place for learning and education but also serve as community hubs and places for social engagement.

“This year, Libraries Week has a focus on wellbeing and we will be showcasing how they can bring communities together, can help combat loneliness and spark creativity. Take a look at our calendar of events and see how you can be inspired.

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