EN_FOOD opens third outlet in Enfield Town Library

The Enfield Town Library Café has reopened and will be run by EN_FOOD, providing fresh, local and sustainable food with an environmental conscience.

Most of the food served at the café is sourced from 15 local suppliers including Wright’s the flour mill in Ponders End, Holtwhites Bakery in Enfield Chase, Forty Hall Farm, Peatchey Butchers in Grange Park, Kupros Dairy in Cheshunt and the Enfield North London Dairy.

Where items such as tea, coffee and chocolate cannot be sourced locally, EN_FOOD ensures they are Fair Trade, or Direct Trade*.

The library’s café, which opened on 13 January is EN_FOOD’s third Council run location. EN_FOOD is Enfield Council’s food sustainability project and has been recognised nationally for its work, winning the Sustainable Restaurant Association’s Food Made Good Award in November 2019. EN_FOOD was also awarded a top rating of three stars by the Sustainable Restaurants Association due to its commitment to food sustainability.

Enfield Council’s Deputy Leader, Cllr Ian Barnes, said: “EN_FOOD and Enfield Council are looking forward to providing delicious, well-priced food to visitors to Enfield Town, the library and local park. Customers can be assured the food sourcing is sustainable, local suppliers are prioritised where possible and food waste is dealt with responsibly, bringing Enfield Council to the forefront of creating positive change in the hospitality sector.”

The new café will be open from Monday to Saturday from 9am until 4pm and will serve a range of speciality teas, coffees, soft drinks, pastries and salads. Head Chef, Ben Murphy, pictured with Cllr Barnes, is a chef / environmental science graduate with a passion for food sustainability and creating a circular food economy. Ben has designed the dishes and is also responsible for the menus at the Dugdale Centre café and bar and Civic Centre canteen. To keep up to date with EN_FOOD events, sign up to the Enjoy Enfield Council newsletters.

  • *Direct Trade is a type of sourcing where distributors buy directly from farmers and producers, without intermediaries. This is most common in the coffee and chocolate markets.

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