London’s newest sexual health clinic has officially opened its doors to help people manage their sexual health in a nurturing and welcoming environment.
Anyone will be able to pop in to the Silverpoint Medical Centre in Fore Street, Edmonton, and use the “check & go” service for sexually transmitted infections as well as get family planning advice and have access to contraception. The service also provides a young persons’ clinic for those aged 18 and under.
The clinic at Silverpoint Medical Centre off Fore Street, Edmonton, is run by Enfield Clinics Health Organisation (ECHO) and offers free and confidential sexual health screening, treatment and advice as well as family planning services for residents.
Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Public Health, Cllr Krystle Fonyonga, said: “This is a new world-class service that will significantly improve the sexual health of the residents of Enfield.
“We know that this is a subject that many people don’t always feel comfortable discussing but it’s really important to take care of your sexual health.
“Our new clinic will provide a huge range of services and support for residents to enable them to access the services they need in a confidential and discrete setting.“
Maria Kane, North Middlesex University Hospital Chief Executive said: “We’re delighted to be Enfield Council’s partner, improving community sexual health care for local people across the borough.”
The service is provided by North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust and is commissioned by Enfield Council, similar services are already offered at the Town Clinic in Burleigh Way, at Enfield Town.
The range of services available includes:
- Walk-in clinics and pre-booked appointments for sexual health problems, symptoms and concerns
- Close contact with local GPs and pharmacies to provide more family planning and contraception
- A ‘check & go’ service for sexually transmitted infections
- Tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections
- Access to contraception, including pills, injections, implants, coils, and condoms
- 4YP clinics for young people 18 and under on Wednesdays
- Recurrent infections and complex contraception clinics
- Information on where to get help if you have been sexually assaulted
- Advice if you are pregnant and don’t know what to do
- Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent HIV infection after a recent exposure
More information can be found at visit the Echo Clinics.