Planning re-starts for £12 million retrofit scheme to an Edmonton tower block

Residents of a 22-storey block of flats in Edmonton are set to have their say on a £12 million programme of building safety and sustainability improvements, aimed at improving residents' quality of life and delivering on the Council's targets to make its housing stock carbon neutral by 2030.

The 126 homes at Walbrook House are due to benefit from a major programme of external and internal upgrades, including replacement of the external envelope, a more energy and cost efficient heating system, fire safety and security improvements as well as in-flat improvements.

It had been hoped that work at the block could be completed this year, but COVID-19 and the new social distancing rules for building sites means that delivery has been delayed.

To support residents, the Council has appointed a tenant engagement expert to ensure residents are consulted throughout the project and the Council delivers a building that is fit for residents' needs now and in the future.

The delivery team is set to start work this week to consult residents about a package of extra practical and financial measures to help people cope with disruption connected to the work.

Enfield Council's Cabinet Member for Social Housing, Cllr Gina Needs, said: “I’m pleased we’re now able pick up our discussions with residents to give them as much say and choice about the work as possible. We’ll also reach out to neighbours and others in the local community who’ll be affected by this project. It’s frustrating that we cannot complete this work as quickly as we’d hoped, so I’m grateful for everyone’s patience and input to help us get this important work completed.”

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