Put that in your pipe and smoke it

An Enfield business owner has been ordered to pay nearly £12,000 in fines and costs following repeated offences relating to safety, health, licensing and planning at a shisha lounge in Palmers Green.

- Business owner prosecuted by Enfield Council for multiple offences
- Magistrates hand down almost £12,000 in fines and costs to Hayaty Shisha owner
- Shisha lounge repeatedly flouted rules on planning, noise control, health and licensing
An Enfield business owner has been ordered to pay nearly £12,000 in fines and costs following repeated offences relating to safety, health, licensing and planning at a shisha lounge in Palmers Green.

Ayman Abouelenin El Sherbiny, 47, of Hayaty Shisha in Green Lanes, pleaded guilty to 14 offences at Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court on 15 February 2018, after failing to change his ways, despite numerous visits and warnings by Enfield Council officers.

In 2017, Hayaty Shisha was visited on seven occasions by the Out of Hours Noise Service and Out of Hours Licensing Enforcement Teams investigating reports of loud music. As well as finding that the music was indeed disturbing neighbours, officers also discovered hot refreshments being served without a premises license, shisha pipes being smoked in almost fully enclosed areas, and an outdoor space being used as a seating area, contrary to a previous enforcement notice served back in 2010.

After an early guilty plea, the magistrates ordered El Sherbiny to pay £3,000 in fines for six planning offences contrary to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990; fines totalling £2,400 for six smoking offences contrary to the Health Act 2006; a £400 fine for a licensing offence contrary to the Licensing Act 2003 and a further £400 fine for the abatement notice offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990; totalling £6,200.

These fines, plus £5,618.35 in costs and the £170 victim surcharge amounted to a grand total of £11,988.35. It was noted that El Sherbiny had been fined £14,000 back in 2011 for similar offences.

Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Daniel Anderson, said: “Our enforcement officers work tirelessly to protect the interests of residents living in our great borough to build and sustain strong communities.
“The rules are there to protect customers from harm and residents from disruption and we take a dim view of any business that flagrantly disregards the law and is indifferent to the detrimental effect of their actions on their neighbours.”

If you have concerns about a business, you can contact Citizens Advice for information. Meanwhile, business and licensing information can be found on Enfield Council’s website, here.

Image: Shutterstock. For illustration purposes only.

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