Statement from Enfield Council Leader on new COVID-19 restrictions for London

Statement from Enfield Council's Leader, Cllr Nesil Caliskan, on new COVID-19 restrictions for London

Today the Government has confirmed London will be moving to the COVID-19 Tier 2 (high) category at midnight on Friday.

I welcome the news that the Government has listened to the advice of London Councils and the Mayor Sadiq Khan and has agreed to impose further restrictions in London in response to the significant rise in COVID-19 infection rates.

These restrictions mean we must not meet socially with friends and family indoors in any setting including homes and indoor venues like pubs and restaurants, unless we live with them or have formed a support bubble with them.

Evidence shows that the uncontrolled mixing of households indoors has been one of the main drivers of the spread of the virus in London. In Enfield there have now been 2,304 cases of COVID-19 and the infection rate has risen to 71.9 per 100,000 residents.

My worry however is that the government restrictions are too late and won’t be enough to stop the spread of the virus. The Government should be going further and listening to the expert scientific advice on the urgent action needed to stop the spread of COVID-19.

That’s why I am calling on the Government to introduce a temporary circuit break lockdown to coincide with the school half-term holidays. Scientists have told the Government that a circuit break would slow down the spread of the virus and set it back by 28 days. A temporary circuit break won’t be easy, but the alternative is an even greater suffering over a longer period.

Any restrictions have a significant impact on local businesses and communities which is why I am also calling on the Government to provide more financial support for all affected businesses in Enfield.

To date COVID-19 has killed over 43,000 people in the UK, including hundreds in Enfield. We need the Government to quickly take action now to stop the further spread of the virus and prevent more lives being lost.

Cllr Nesil Caliskan

Leader of Enfield Council

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