Statement on tower blocks in Enfield

Following a misleading report on BBC News today relating to cladding on high rise blocks, Enfield Council would like to make it clear that the safety of our residents is paramount and we communicate regularly with our residents about the nature of fire risk in our buildings.

We can further confirm that In Enfield: there are no Council owned buildings over eighteen metres in height which have aluminium composite cladding on their walls.

Enfield Council takes the matter of building safety in all residential blocks in the Borough extremely seriously and on its own stock has taken a robust position on High Pressure Laminate (HPL) materials - already taking steps, to ensure such materials are removed from our buildings.

The Council is continuing to work with four building owners in the private sector, who own and manage blocks within the Borough to ensure they are taking appropriate steps to ensure resident safety and take appropriate remedial action, in regards to any external wall system, which is deemed to pose a risk.

We have complained to the BBC about the tone of its coverage. In the meantime, residents who have any questions about fire safety within their blocks should contact our specialist Building safety team by emailing

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