Tackling fuel poverty and supporting greener homes

A recent tour by Enfield Council’s Leader of the borough’s community heat network demonstrates the Council’s commitment to providing cost-effective energy and to tackling fuel poverty.

Enfield Council’s Leader, Cllr Nesil Caliskan was joined by the Deputy Leader Cllr Daniel Anderson and Chief Executive Ian Davis at the New Ladderswood project in Arnos Grove to visit the energy centre set deep below Millennium and Francis Courts.

The energy centre is run by Energetik, Enfield Council’s fully-owned energy company, which provides heat and hot water directly to the new homes at Ladderswood. The energy centre heats up water and pumps it into homes through a community network of highly insulated pipes.

Cllr Caliskan said: “It is estimated that one in 11 households in Enfield is classed as fuel poor. That equates to a lot of families who are severely impacted by being unable to live in warm, dry homes.

“The low-carbon energy infrastructure provided by Energetik supports the delivery of much-needed new homes in the borough and demonstrates the Council’s commitment to sustaining strong, healthy communities and helping to build the local economy.”

Energetik’s Managing Director, Jayne Clare, said: “Heat networks are becoming recognised as an essential part of our future clean energy infrastructure. Being a locally-owned energy company means we can operate differently to private-sector equivalents: we share the same values as the Council to improve Enfield for the long term. Protecting our customers is our first priority, providing them with good value energy that ultimately makes Enfield’s homes and communities healthier and better-off.”

Three more heat networks are being developed around the borough including at Ponders End, Oakwood and for Enfield Council’s major regeneration scheme Meridian Water. To be kept up to date on these projects for improving Enfield, sign up to our newsletters.

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