World Wetlands Day celebrated at Prince of Wales Open Space

School children and members of the public came together to mark World Wetlands Day with a tree planting session at one of Enfield’s most exciting wetlands projects.

- School children and volunteers help to plant seedlings at new wetlands
- Seedlings were supplied by the Greater London Authority’s community tree planting grant
- Enfield Council and Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust are creating a wetland paradise, for completion later in 2018

School children and members of the public came together to mark World Wetlands Day (2 February) with a tree planting session at one of Enfield’s most exciting wetlands projects.

The Prince of Wales Wetlands played host to local students and residents who joined in the initial planting and dedication of names to young tree seedlings. It is intended that around 1,000 tree saplings will eventually be planted along with 50 larger trees.

The development of the open space will improve the wildlife value and supports the Council's efforts in building strong communities.

Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Daniel Anderson, said: “The wetlands will both reduce flood risk to local properties and will help create a more diverse habitat for our wildlife. Over time it will also provide an exciting outdoor learning space. This is a great opportunity for the community to come together and nurture this fantastic environmental and educative project.

“I would like to thank all the volunteers and the students from the Prince of Wales Primary School for their participation and involvement on World Wetlands Day, thereby helping to increase awareness of this important addition to our borough.”

Enfield Council has been working over the last year with the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) to create a series of wetland features at the Prince of Wales Open Space. Initially this involved excavation works - including an exploratory dig by the Museum of London's Archaeology Department. Now that this has been completed the next step is to plant the wetlands with reeds, wildflowers, trees and shrubs.

On completion later in 2018, the new wetlands around the Prince of Wales Open Space will cover an area the size of two sports fields in the lower Lea Valley and will be open to over 16,500 local residents to enjoy.

The WWT would like the community to help in the upkeep and development of the community wetlands. If you would like to sign up to a volunteering event or join the residents’ mailing list, please contact Follow the project @EnfieldSuDS and on Facebook @PrinceofWalesWetlands.

The wetlands is one of 29 local projects being supported by the Mayor of London’s Community Tree Planting Grants. By March 2018, the Mayor will have supported planting of over 20,000 new trees across London this winter.

Images are courtesy of Greater London Authority.

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