Your questions answered on new bin services

Changes to bin services will start to take shape this autumn and Enfield Council’s waste and recycling team will be on tour to give help and advice.

The team will be able to answer all your questions and give tips on reducing waste, reusing items, help with what can and cannot be recycled and how the new service will make Enfield a greener borough. In August, you can come and meet them at:

* Palmers Green Library, 15 August* Dugdale Centre, 19 August* Enfield Town Library, 20 August* Albany Park Fun Day, 28 August

...and many more venues during the remainder of the year. You can keep up-to-date with the latest news and events at our Rubbish and Recycling pages or sign up to our waste and recycling newsletters.

From November, food and garden waste will be collected separately from homes with kerbside, wheeled bin collections. These homes will get a new, free, weekly collection of food recycling. A kitchen-top food caddy and food recycling bin will be delivered to eligible residences with instructions on how to use them. Currently, 35 per cent of Enfield residents’ household rubbish is wasted food which Enfield Council would like to reduce or recycle.

The waste and recycling team will also help residents apply for the new garden waste service, which also starts in November this year. Garden waste will be collected every other week for those who sign up and pay an annual charge of £65.

From the Spring of 2020, there will be an alternate weekly collection of household waste and recycling. Extra resources, amounting to £500,000 per year, will go into street cleansing and tackling waste dumping. More information on this will reach every home affected in the borough in coming months.

Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Guney Dogan, said: “The scale of the central Government funding cuts we continue to face mean we are having to make tough choices about how we deliver many of our services. Therefore, the overriding motivation for the change to waste services was to save money.

“However, we have viewed this as an opportunity to see what we can do to not only save money but re-design our services so they are fit for the future and drive up environmental standards and recycling levels across the borough. The result is that Enfield Council is committed to achieving the Mayor of London's minimum level of service as set out in the London Environment Strategy and we have set a target of 49.55% recycling by 2020/21. Waste minimisation, education and behaviour change programmes will strengthen the success of the changes to our bin services, providing residents with the tools and information to make informed choices about what they throw away.”

In addition, these changes will contribute to tackling the issues around climate change and the environment, as laid out in Enfield Council’s climate emergency declaration and pledge, made in July.

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