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Forms Guides A brief guide to the LGPS (PDF, 382.02 KB) Additional voluntary contributions guide (PDF, 549.61 KB) Annual allowance factsheet (PDF, 232.94 KB) Annual benefit statement notes (PDF, 126.23 KB) Annual pension benefit statement for former members of the scheme – 2023 (PDF, 134.65 KB) Changes to the state pension April 2016 (PDF, 239.48 KB) Divorce information sheet (PDF, 162.89 KB) Flexible retirement policy (PDF, 336.67 KB) (applies to Enfield Council employees only. If you are not an Enfield Council employee, you will need to check with your employer if they have a flexible retirement policy)LGPS guide (PDF, 1175.21 KB) Lifetime allowance factsheet (PDF, 290.45 KB) Pension calculation leaflet (PDF, 446.52 KB) Pension scams Pensions Tax – annual allowance (PDF, 182.25 KB) Retirement leaflet (PDF, 326.48 KB) Retirement planning guide (PDF, 716.07 KB) The rule of 85 fact sheet (PDF, 141.31 KB) Transfer information booklet (PDF, 204.51 KB) Newsletters