Expression of wish for the payment of death grant

This form enables a member of the Local Government Pension Scheme to nominate a beneficiary or beneficiaries of any death grant payable in the event of their death.

Download a copy of this form (PDF, 140.85 KB).

Please take a moment to watch this video to learn more about the Expression of Wish form.

Required fields are marked as *

Personal details
Date of birth *
Are you cancelling or amending a previous nomination?
Beneficiary no. 1
(if any)
Beneficiary no. 2
(if any)
Beneficiary no. 3
(if any)
Beneficiary no. 4
(if any)
Terms and conditions *

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Terms of use


  • This form enables a member of the Local Government Pension Scheme to nominate a beneficiary or beneficiaries of any death grant payable in the event of their death.
  • This form has space for you to nominate up to three beneficiaries. However, should you wish to nominate more beneficiaries please submit another form.
  • Please ensure that any additional forms are also signed and witnessed, and that your total nominations equal 100%.
  • Whether a nomination is made or not, the London Borough of Enfield Pension Fund retains absolute discretion in respect of to whom the death grant is paid, but takes due regard of any wish expressed by a member.
  • If any part of the death grant has not been paid within two years of the date of death it will be paid to the member's personal representatives.
  • The nomination made on this form may be cancelled or amended by the completion of another nomination form.
  • If you wish to nominate more than four nominees, please continue on another form.
  • The nomination made on this form will be treated as not being in force at the time of the member's death if:
    • the beneficiary has died or
    • the beneficiary was the members spouse when the nomination was made or later became the spouse, but has since divorced or
    • the administering authority (London Borough of Enfield) are of the opinion that that payment to the beneficiary is not reasonably practicable or
    • a subsequent nomination form has been received