Housing - data specific purposes

If you come to us for housing services, including sheltered housing and homelessness, we will collect data, such as name, address, date of birth, medical information, income and expenditure, schooling, work and family composition, in order to assist us in the allocation of emergency/temporary accommodation or affordable longer term accommodation. This work is carried out under the Housing Act 1996. We retain the data about you in accordance with our retention policy (PDF, 350.36 KB) – the length of time it is retained depends on your needs and the type of tenancy you receive.

We share information with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) by submitting data to the continuous recording of lettings and sales in social housing in England. This is referred to as CORE, and the information is used for research and statistical purposes.

For information about DLUHC's privacy notice, visit GOV.UK - Personal information charter.

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