Enfield Safeguarding Children Partnership

What is the Safeguarding Children Partnership?

The Enfield Safeguarding Children partnership is formed of the local authority, NHS Integrated Care Board and the police.

View the Enfield Safeguarding Children Partnership Arrangements (PDF, 2243.07 KB).

At Enfield, we currently have an Independent Chair, Nicky Pace, who is also our Independent Scrutineer. The chairing arrangements will be transitioning to our safeguarding partners in line with the requirements of Working Together 2023.

In addition, the members who attend the Partnership's Executive meetings are:

  • Chief Executive, Ian Davis
  • Executive Director People, Tony Theodoulou
  • Director Children and Family Services, Anne Stoker
  • Director of Safeguarding, NHS NCL ICB, David Pennington
  • Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children, Chantel Palmer
  • Detective Superintendent, Met Police North Area BCU, Stuart Smillie
  • Head Of Service Adults Safeguarding, Sharon Burgess
  • Service Manager Safeguarding, Bharat Ayer
  • Childrens Partnership Manager, Mellissa Morland

Meetings are held every 8 weeks where strategic partnership issues that affect Enfield’s children, young people and families are discussed. These issues can include our reviews, practice development areas, emerging risks and the work of the partnership’s activity groups.

Enfield Safeguarding Children Partnership oversees the work of 3 activity groups.

Scrutiny of ESCP was completed in 2022 by an Independent Reviewing Agency. The report that was compiled is attached here for you to review.