Guidance on how to complete a S157/ 175 for schools and colleges

The purpose of the self-evaluation is to enable the Local Authority to carry out its statutory responsibility and report back to Enfield Safeguarding Children’s Partnership under S11 of the Children Act 2004 in relation to the safeguarding compliance of educational settings in Enfield to statutory guidance and legislation. (The existence and operation of appropriate safeguarding policies, procedures that promote a safer working culture within the organisation, and the training of staff, including the senior person with designated responsibility for child protection.)

This self-evaluation must be completed by Schools (Specialist Inclusive Learning Centres, Free Schools, Academies, Community, Voluntary Aided and Independent), Pupil Referral Units and Further Education Colleges to monitor their compliance with Sections 157 & 175 of the Education Act 2002. The Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014, the Non-Maintained Special Schools (England) Regulations 2015, and the Education and Training (Welfare of Children) Act 2021.

This comprehensive annual audit captures important qualitative and quantitative information, informing an overarching dataset on the status of safeguarding arrangements across the borough’s educational settings.

The surveys have been designed to be separated into three main sections focussing on  safe workforce, policies, procedures and  thresholds, and safeguarding in action.

Once you have completed your self-evaluation form, you may find that there are areas for development that you have identified. Therefore, please view the action plan (DOCX, 51.78 KB) that you can use to support you.

If you have any further questions, queries on how to complete these surveys and where to access them, please contact or