Frequently asked questions about Council Tax bills, benefit letters and rent bills for 2025 to 2026
I reported a change in my circumstances, but this has not been taken into account in my new benefit letter
This is because the benefit letter you received notifying you of changes from April 2025, is based on information we held on 27 February 2025. Any changes made after this date will only show on the notification letters sent after 4 March 2025.
I’ve received multiple notification letters all showing different benefit amounts, how do I know which one is correct?
Unfortunately, we had a problem with our notification letters from 10 February 2025 to 27 February 2025 which meant they were delayed. So, you may have received one of these older delayed letters and a new notification letter. Check the date the letter was issued as this will tell you which one shows the current information on your benefit award.
I reported a change in my circumstances, but this has not been taken into account in my Council Tax bill for 1 April 2025
This is because your Council Tax bill is based on information we held on 27 February 2025. You will receive a revised bill after 17 March 2025 detailing your new Council Tax charge for the year. If you have made a payment since 27 February 2025 or have a direct debit set up to pay your Council Tax which covers any outstanding arrears, you can ignore the arrears request on your bill. Further information can be found in the guide to Council Tax 2025/26.
Why has my Council Tax increased from 1 April 2025?
From 1 April 2025, there has been an increase of 2.99% in the amount of Council Tax for Enfield Council. There has been a further 2% levy to pay for adult social care services and an increase of 4.03% in the Greater London Authority precept. As a result, all households will see an increase in their Council Tax charge of 4.77%.
Why has my Council Tax Support reduced from 1 April 2024?
Under the new Council Tax Support Scheme, from 1 April 2024 the following changes were introduced. These changes continue to apply from 1 April 2025:
- Council Tax Support will be restricted to a maximum Band C Council Tax liability
- A minimum non-dependent deduction will apply to households with other adults living in the property. Existing deductions will increase by 20%.
- The maximum Council Tax Support for working age claimants will reduce to 50%. War pensioners and single claimants under the age of 25 are not subject to this change.
If you have had a recent change in your income or household circumstances, your entitlement to Council Tax Support may have reduced. For more information, see our Council Tax Support page or check your notification letters.
I cannot afford to pay this year’s Council Tax even though I receive Council Tax Support
If you are having difficulties paying the increased Council Tax charge, you may be entitled to claim a Council Tax Hardship payment. You need to be in receipt of Council Tax Support to apply for a hardship payment. For more information and to make a claim, please see our Benefits and money advice page.
I have been charged double Council Tax for my empty property
From 1 April 2024, a long-term empty property premium is charged after a property has been empty and unfurnished for 1 year. Prior to this, the premium was only charged on properties that had remained empty and unfurnished for over 2 years.
Can I pay my Council Tax over a longer period?
Yes, Council Tax payments can be spread over 12 monthly instalments as long as the instalments are arranged before the first instalment is due. You should request this as soon as possible by emailing Please put your Council Tax account number in the subject area within <xxxxxxxx> for a quicker response.
I have made a payment which is not showing on my Council Tax account
Any payments made after 27 February 2025 will not show on your bill. If you think that a payment you made is missing, first check your payment history in your Enfield Connected account. If the payment is not showing, email Please state the date of payment, if it was made on-line or in person, the name of the bank, and the amount of payment.
Where can I get more information on services and help with my Council Tax?
By registering for an Enfield Connected account, you can:
- pay your Council Tax simply and easily by Direct Debit
- check your balance and payment history
- inform us of a change in circumstances by editing your account profile
- download application forms for discounts
I am a council tenant, when will I receive notice of my rent charge from April 2025?
Notice of your rent charge will be sent from 10 March 2025. Your rent payment schedule will be sent around mid-March, and will have details of any Housing Benefit awards and the amount to be paid. This will be sent separately to Council Tax and benefit notification letters.
Where can I get more information on services and help with my rent?
By registering for an Enfield Connected account, you can check your entitlement to benefit and apply for Housing Benefit or Universal Credit if you are not already receiving help towards your rent.
I cannot get through on the phone
Please email us, do not ring us as you may be held in a queue. This is the busiest time of year for us. We send out over 128,000 Council Tax bills alone. The best way to get a detailed answer is to email us at Please either put your Council Tax account number or your Housing Benefit reference number in the subject area within <xxxxxxxx> for a quicker response. You may experience a delay in getting a response, due to this being the busiest time of year.
April 2025