Local Housing Allowance

Payment towards your rent will depend on the Local Housing Allowance that applies to you.

If you're a private tenant

Local Housing Allowance rates

If you live in private rented accommodation, your Housing Benefit is calculated using the Local Housing Allowance (LHA). The amount of Housing Benefit you get is based on:

To find out how many bedrooms you need (maximum of 4 bedrooms), you should refer to the number of bedrooms allowed (see below). If you’re single, under age 35 and live alone in a one-bedroom property or shared accommodation, your claim will be assessed based on the shared accommodation LHA rate or the rent charged if below this amount.

For more information, visit GOV.UK - renting from a private landlord.

Local Housing Allowance room rates

April 2025 to March 2026
Number of bedrooms Weekly amount Monthly amount
Shared accommodation
1 bedroom
2 bedrooms
3 bedrooms
4 bedrooms
5 bedrooms
Capped at 4-bedroom rate
Capped at 4-bedroom rate

Number of bedrooms allowed

One bedroom will be allowed for:

If you’re a council tenant

If you live in a council or housing association home and we decide that you have a spare bedroom, we will limit your Local Housing Allowance. The amount allowed for rent and any service charges will be reduced by:

Extra bedroom for a non-resident carer, disabled child, non-dependent or a disabled partner

To apply for extra bedroom allowance for a non-resident overnight carer, disabled child, disabled non-dependent, or if you're unable to share a bedroom with your partner due to a disability, email revs@enfield.gov.uk. You should provide the name of the person who needs the extra room and the reason.

We will need evidence that the person is getting one of the following:

Non-dependent deductions

Your Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support can go down if you have an adult living with you who could pay towards housing costs. We will take an amount off your benefit for that person.

You are not a non-dependent if you're a:

Non-dependent deduction rates for Housing Benefit - April 2025 to March 2026 - Working age
Non-dependent deduction rates Housing Benefit (weekly amount taken off)
Under 25 and on Income Support (IS) or Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) (income based), Employment Support Allowance (ESA) (income related) which does not include an amount for the support component, work-related activity component or Universal Credit (unless working 16 hours or more per week)
Aged 25 or over and on IS or JSA (income based) or Universal Credit (but not working 16 hours or more per week) or aged 18 or over and not in paid work for 16 hours or more per week
In receipt of main phase ESA (income-related)
In receipt of Pension Credit
Aged 18 or over and in paid work for 16 hours or more per week (may also be receiving Universal Credit)
- gross income less than £183
Aged 18 or over and in paid work for 16 hours or more per week (may also be receiving Universal Credit)
- gross income £183 to £265.99
Aged 18 or over and in paid work for 16 hours or more per week (may also be receiving Universal Credit)
- gross income £266 to £347.99
Aged 18 or over and in paid work for 16 hours or more per week (may also be receiving Universal Credit)
- gross income £348 to £462.99
Aged 18 or over and in paid work for 16 hours or more per week (may also be receiving Universal Credit)
- gross income £463 to £576.99
Aged 18 or over and in paid work for 16 hours or more per week (may also be receiving Universal Credit)
- gross income £577 and above
Non-dependent deduction rates for Council Tax Support - April 2025 to March 2026
Non-dependent deduction rates Council Tax Support (weekly amount taken off)
Student, over 18 on Child Benefit or Disregarded for Council TaxNone
Not working£5.52
Income Support (IS), Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) (income based), Employment Support Allowance (ESA) (income related), Pension Credit (PC) or Universal Credit (UC) (unless working 16 hours or more per week)
Aged 18 or over and in paid work for 16 hours or more per week (may also be receiving Universal Credit)
- gross income less than £236
Aged 18 or over and in paid work for 16 hours or more per week (may also be receiving Universal Credit)
- gross income £236 to £409.99
Aged 18 or over and in paid work for 16 hours or more per week (may also be receiving Universal Credit)
- gross income £410 to £510.99
Aged 18 or over and in paid work for 16 hours or more per week (may also be receiving Universal Credit)
- gross income £511 and above
Non-dependant deduction rates for Council Tax Support Scheme - Pensionable age
Non-dependent deduction ratesCouncil Tax Support
In receipt of Income Support (IS), Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) (income based), Employment Support Allowance (ESA) (income related), Pension Credit (PC) or Universal Credit (UC) (without remunerative work)None
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work (including Universal Credit claimants)
- gross income less than £266
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work (including Universal Credit claimants)
- gross income £266 to £462.99
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work (including Universal Credit claimants)
- gross income £463 to £576.99
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work (including Universal Credit claimants)
- gross income £577 and above

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