Registering a birth
You need to register your baby within 42 days of birth. This is a legal requirement. If your baby was born outside Enfield, you can make a declaration.
You need to book an appointment to register a new baby. Appointments take around 20 minutes.
Appointments are available Monday to Friday at the Register Office in Gentleman's Row.
You need to arrive 10 minutes before your appointment. If you arrive late, you will be asked to book a new appointment.
If you are registering more than one birth, you should tell us when you book your appointment. You will need 2 appointments for twins and 3 appointments for triplets. These appointments can happen immediately after one another.
Book a birth registration appointment
If the baby's natural parents are married, the mother or father can register the birth alone. Both parents are welcome to come to the appointment.
If the baby's natural parents are not married to each other, both parents must attend the registration.
A mother who is not married to the baby's natural father can register alone, but the natural father's details would not be included on the birth certificate.
If a mother wishes to record her female partner as the baby's parent, we recommend both parents attend the appointment. You will need to bring your parenthood agreement, civil partnership certificate or marriage certificate.
To register the birth, we need to see either the mother's hospital discharge papers or the baby's red book. The baby's red book should have the hospital's sticker on it.
We will need to know:
- the baby's first name, any middle names and surname
- whether the baby is a girl or a boy
- the baby's date of birth
- where the baby was born
- the time of the birth if the baby is a twin or triplet
- the first names and surnames of the baby's parents
- where the baby's parents were born
- the baby's mother's address
- the address of the parent if different to mother’s address
- what the baby's parents do for work and their employment status
- the baby's mother's maiden name if she has married
- whether the mother has had any other children and how many
- the date of birth of the parents
- the date when the baby's parents were married (if applicable)
It would also be very helpful if you could bring:
- a piece of paper with the baby's full name written on it clearly
- both parents' passports
- parents' marriage certificate
- a biometric residence permit
- parents' birth certificates
- evidence of address of parents
It is your responsibility to check that all details on your baby's birth certificate are correct.
There is no charge for registering a birth.
There are two types of birth certificate. The ‘short’ birth certificate which shows the baby's name, date of birth and sex and the ‘full’ birth certificate which shows all the birth details. Both full and short certificates cost a fee. We only accept payment by credit or debit card.
You can buy certificates on the day of registration and afterwards. If you want to buy certificates afterwards, you will need to order them from Enfield Register Office at Gentleman’s Row. You cannot order them at the Civic Centre or Edmonton Children’s Centre. If your baby was born at Barnet General Hospital and you registered in Enfield, you will need to order certificates from Barnet Register Office.
Making a declaration
If your baby was born outside Enfield but it's easier for you to visit the Register Office in Gentleman's Row, you can make a declaration.
To do this, you book a birth appointment in the usual way. When the appointment is finished the registrar will send your declaration to the correct register office for you. This service is free.
We cannot give you a birth certificate. If you want any full birth certificates, bring a chequebook or postal orders to your appointment. For security reasons, these are the only payment methods we can send with your declaration. Full birth certificates will cost a fee.
The register office that receives your declaration will post the birth certificates to you.
If your baby was born at Barnet General Hospital, but the mother's address is in Enfield, we can register the birth on behalf of the Barnet Register Office.