Public health funerals

We may have a responsibility (under Section 46 of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984), to make funeral arrangements following the death of anyone in Enfield:

See GOV.UK - Public health funerals: good practice guidance.

Section 46 of the Act also states that we may, where possible, recover expenses from the deceased’s estate.

If there are no relatives found and the deceased died within a hospital managed by an NHS Trust, the NHS Trust will assume responsibility for the arrangements.

A dignified and respectful funeral service will be provided by our contracted funeral director.

Either a minister of religion, representative of the faith of the deceased or a civil funeral celebrant will be provided. We will engage with known family or friends to plan the funeral and they may attend the service. If a burial is required and the deceased did not previously own a grave, a burial will take place in a shared grave.

Where there is no next of kin and in excess of £500 is left in the estate after the funeral costs have been paid, a referral is made to the Government Legal Department as required.

For further information, email

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