The Procurement Act 2023 introduces new guidelines for suppliers and requires registration on the Central Digital Platform.
To find opportunities to sell to the council, register on the new procurement system to receive updates and access contracts worth more than £30,000.
The council's contract procedure rules outline the guidelines for buying goods, services, and works, and emphasise social value, sustainability, and ethical procurement.
To become a supplier, complete the supplier creation form after a successful contract award and provide the required company information for verification.
The community right to bid for assets allows local communities to nominate and bid for important buildings or land that hold value to them when the owner decides to sell.
Procurement legislation
Procurement Act 2023
The new Procurement Act 2023 came into effect on 24 February 2025.
For guidance, see The Procurement Act 2023: A short guide for suppliers. You can also watch a webinar on YouTube below and see the slides from the Cabinet Office. Make sure you have registered on the new Central Digital Platform.
Provider Selection Regime
The Provider Selection Regime (PSR) came into effect on 1 January 2024. The London Borough of Enfield now uses the PSR when procuring healthcare services.
For guidance, see the PSR Statutory guidance.
Find opportunities to sell to the council
Use our procurement system to:
- sign up for updates
- find contracts worth more than £30,000
We are changing our procurement system this year (2025). Therefore, if you have been doing business with us you will need to register onto our new Procurement System to receive opportunities and access to Tenders.
You can find all our published contract opportunities on our Procurement system.
View our contract register of existing contracts. You can improve and narrow your search by choosing the 'Enfield Council' search option.
Our contracts register
You can find all our contract opportunities on our procurement system. After registering, you can narrow your search by choosing the 'Enfield Council' option to see our contracts.
Find opportunities on our Procurement System
You can register and get guidance at the Supplier Portal. You can also find more public sector opportunities on the Find a Tender Service.
For more information, view:
- Doing business with the council (PDF, 120.94 KB)
- Equalities and Diversity in Procurement Supplier Guide (PDF, 251.98 KB)
UK public contract thresholds
From 1 January 2024, the limits set by the Procurement Act 2023 are:
- £5,372,609 (including VAT) for works contracts
- £214,904 (including VAT) for supply, services, and design contracts
- £663,540 (including VAT) for social and other specific services under the light-touch regime
If the contract value is higher than these limits, the procurement process must follow the Procurement Act 2023.
Contract procedure rules
The council has rules for buying goods, services and works called Contract Procedure Rules (PDF, 467.02 KB). These rules are part of the council's constitution.
National Procurement Strategy and policy notes
The Cabinet Office gives guidelines called Procurement Policy Notes. These notes explain any updates and changes to legislation. The National Procurement Policy Statement sets out the Government’s strategic priorities for public procurement.
Enfield’s commitment to Social Value
In January 2013, the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 became law. It asks the council to find ways to improve economic, social, and environmental well-being.
Our sustainable and ethical procurement policy (PDF, 772.41 KB) explains how we will deliver Social Value and sustainable and ethical procurement.
Our Modern Slavery Statement (PDF, 112.85 KB) explains what Enfield is doing to stop modern slavery.
We have signed the Unite Construction Charter, and the Fair Tax Declaration.
Framework agreements
We use a variety of frameworks that have been set up by contracting authorities. Some of the framework providers we use are:
- Crown Commercial Service
- Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation
- Yorkshire Purchase Organisation
- NHS frameworks
- Construction and housing frameworks
How to become a supplier
Suppliers are only set up following successful contract award (either via tendering or user choice contracts).
In order to be set up quickly and securely, you need to complete the supplier creation form which is sent to you.
To help prevent fraud you'll need to provide the documents listed below and you will be contacted to verify details by Exchequer Services.
Documents required
Company information provided on headed paper of the company in PDF format. It must confirm the following supplier details:
- Company name
- Registered address
- Trading address (if different to registered address)
- Bank details
- Contact person
- Contact email and telephone
- VAT number
How to invoice the council
Invoices and credit notes for payment must be sent to
Do not send invoices directly to council officers.
We will not process or pay against pro-forma invoices, account statements or remittance advice notes.
All payments will be made as per our agreed payment terms and conditions.
It is essential that your invoice/credit note is in PDF format and:
- is addressed to London Borough of Enfield or Enfield Council
- contains a valid purchase order number
- has a unique invoice number
- has an invoice date
- showing the net, VAT and gross amounts
- has a VAT registration number (where applicable)
Each invoice or credit note needs to be sent in as a single PDF, not as multiple invoices or credit notes on 1 PDF. Each PDF must not contain password protection.
If you do not have a valid purchase order number, contact the department or person who ordered the goods/services. Download the purchase order terms and conditions (PDF, 28.93 KB).
Our payment policy is to pay suppliers 30 days after receipt of an acceptable invoice, which must quote the purchase order number. This is in line with the prompt payment rules.
As a supplier, if you subcontract any work in relation to the provision of goods or services to us you must also ensure that you comply with the prompt payment rules.
If you cannot email your invoice, please post it to:
BMR1-London Borough of Enfield
PO Box 497
2 Tally Close
M28 8EB
Transparency reports
Local authorities data transparency initiative publications:
Community right to bid for assets
Community right to bid for assets gives the local community the right to nominate important assets. These assets could be a building or land which hold value in the community.
If the owner of an asset wants to sell, they must contact us. We will notify the nominating community group. The community then has an opportunity to bid for the property or land. The community have a preference to bid in the first 6 months of the property going on sale.
The right came into force in September 2012 as part of the Localism Act 2011.
Examples of assets of community value
A building or land can be listed as an asset of community value if:
- it is being used or was used for activities improving the wellbeing and interests of the local community
- it will continue to be used for at least 5 more years.
- it will improve the wellbeing and interests of the local community
Examples of assets might include:
- day care centres
- schools
- open spaces
- theatres
- youth centres
- pubs
- civic halls and heritage sites
Nominating a community asset
A community nomination must include:
- a description of the land and proposed boundaries
- details of the current occupants.
- details of anyone holding a freehold or leasehold estate in the land
- reasons why the land is of community value
- evidence that the nominator is eligible under the Act