Small society lottery registration

Pay a lottery registration fee

Charity lotteries (including school PTAs) must be registered with us.

A lottery is where people are required to pay to participate and prizes, including money, are allocated wholly on chance. A lottery might also be called a raffle or prize draw. To meet the criteria for a small society lottery, at least 20% of the profits must go to the societies purposes and the maximum prize cannot exceed £25,000.

It is a criminal offence to carry out unlicensed activities and, if convicted, you could be given a £20,000 fine and a 6-month prison term.

Apply for a licence (PDF, 155.65 KB)

If your application is unsuccessful, you may appeal to a magistrates' court within 21 days of the decision.


Your registration will continue provided you pay a yearly £20 annual fee. This payment must be made within the period of 2 months before the anniversary of the registration.

The society promoting the small society lottery must also send the Licensing Team the statutory return (PDF, 176.46 KB) no later than 3 months after the day on which the draw (or the last draw), in the lottery took place.

For more information see:

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