Procurement services provides professional procurement advice and support to services across the council and manage all procurement activity over £100,000. We work with services to deliver contracts that represent value for money, are compliant and support council outcomes.
We aim to:
- establish council-wide contracts for goods and services
- group our purchases
- standardise our products
- develop and implement e-procurement initiatives
- work with other authorities to increase buying power and share the costs of procurement
Our priorities are to:
- provide specialist professional procurement support, advice and guidance to our departmental services
- develop our procurement strategy, policies and procedures to support the delivery of the council plan
- support savings in the medium term financial plan through proactive procurement and category management
- promote, develop and implement automation across the authority
- develop a culture of contract management to support the delivery of best value through the lifetime of the contract and manage risk to the council
- work collaboratively with our strategic partners, small and local businesses, voluntary and third sector organisations and purchasing associations to deliver value for money in contracts and supplies
- ensure that opportunities for businesses reach as many potential suppliers as possible and to make it easy for them to engage with us
- use local suppliers where possible to support ‘an economy fit for everyone’
- develop the use of social value through contracts to maximise social value to the council
- provide guidance and training to support service led procurement
- ensure staff have the skills and support they need to purchase efficiently
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